dimarts, 16 de maig del 2017


Als voltants de Sant Jordi vam treballar la poesia i vam fer poemes dedicats als nostres padrins. Aquí en teniu el resultat.

CLASSE 4tA              CLASSE 4tB                 CLASSE 4tC  

dimecres, 8 de febrer del 2012

Is English accent important?

Teaching English is something to do with phonetics and accent too.

Many showmen imitate accents from other languages when they take the role of a person from another country or language, just for fun, but many times it looks like they can speak the language they imitate, how? They just imitate the accent.

The script is from Karl Eccleston, a language enthusiast, who has played just with American accent and invented words. Great.

We can use it in classroom to show our students how important accent is.

diumenge, 26 de setembre del 2010

Maths in English II

Activitat de càlcul mental i amb ajuda d'un paper. Un cop els alumnes encerten el resultat, el professor diu el color en què cal pintar la franja del dibuix que conté aquest número.